Package Details

All drives within each package are two hours long. A Two-Hour Package consists of one session. The Ten-Hour Package includes five two-hour sessions. Each package is designed to help individuals reach their personal goals and can be scheduled either online or via text or phone after payment.

Need a little help with parking? The Two-Hour Package is what you need. Do you hold a license from a foreign country and need some drives to get accustomed to American roads? You might consider the Four-Hour Package. Have you been putting off learning to drive for years, but due to a change in circumstances or as a personal goal, decided that now is time to get your license? We have a Ten-Hour Package that will teach you how to drive from the ground up.

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, new or experienced, we will give you the instruction and attention you deserve to help you get your license.

Please call us at 616 334 0222 If you have any other questions. We are here to help.

Our Packages Our Packages

Drive Package Curriculum.

Free Pickup! We Come To YOU!

Navigating around town without a driver’s license can be challenging, and we understand that. That’s why every Adult Package purchased from us includes complimentary pickup and drop-off services to any location within Kent County. And the best part? There’s no extra cost for this added convenience.

Mr. Cox was my driving instructor when he worked for All Star. He was a great instructor who taught me everything I know about driving and laws on the road. I still remember plenty of things he taught me, but what sticks out most was how he was super kind and understanding and made the class very fun.
Max H
Mr. Cox is an excellent driving instructor! I highly recommend him. One of my first drives in the middle of winter I hit a patch of ice going down a hill and slid into a snow bank, but he was calm and he taught me exactly what to do for next time. As a nervous new driver Mr. Cox made me feel very comfortable. My husband (Geoffrey Ford) also had Mr. Cox as a driving instructor and also highly recommends! All around a great person, a great personality, and a great instructor.
Amanda W
I cannot emphasize how great of a teacher Mr.Cox is! He smashes the negative societal connotation associated with driving teaches. Classes with him were always fun and engaging because of the personality he brought to the classroom. Every other student of his I have ever spoken to has agreed on this. Aggressively. Students who had him prior to me said that I HAD to have him as an instructor. After being one of his students, I saw why!
Madison W